創作昔話『羅夢翁』 羅夢翁(らむじい) 作

Once upon a time, there was a mysterious village. The people who lived there could change dreams into reality. One person could change a dream ball into a real ball, and play with it. Another person could change a dream stick into a real long stick, and get fruit off the trees. It seemed that they could change any dream into reality, and they used this power recklessly.
  The monk at the village temple often said to the villagers, "You should treat a dream as important." However, the villagers didn't listen to him at all. They didn't think about the preciousness of dreams. They changed their dreams into a variety of things by hand over hand, and were always handling them carelessly.
One night, a glaring light, much like the light of the sun, shone in the village. The next morning, the villagers had lost all of their dreams. The villagers were shocked, and went to the monk for consultation. “The root of evil is to handle a dream shabbily,” the monk said. The villagers reconsidered their conduct obediently and asked him how to resolve this problem. However, the monk didn’t have a solution.
At night, the monk dreamed a mysterious dream. It was that all villagers and he should go to other villages and describe the importance of dreams. In addition, they should gather 1000 dreams from other villages and bring them to this village and present the dreams at the temple. Then, the mysterious power will return to the villagers.
  The next day, the monk talked to the villagers about his dream from last night. The villagers decided to follow the acts of the dream. They walked around the nation and gathered dreams from many villages. It took a year. The people called the monk an old man who gathers dreams. After that, the villagers got back their dreams and the mysterious power. However, they didn't use this power recklessly. They had learned the importance of treating a dream well. Even now, the mark of 1000 dreams seems to remain in the temple. It’s very fine.
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